
Low-e hard-coated glass is easy to process, has a long shelf life and is characterized by a high level of coating durability. Emissivity at the level of Ug = 1.5 makes it possible for this type of glass to be utilized in the production of double-glazed units in residential and commercial construction sectors.
Manufacturers: AGC Glass Europe (Planibel G) Available thicknesses: 4 - 6 mm
Available dimensions:
4 mm
- 3210x2250
6 mm
- 3210x2250
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Wholesale order processing department

Damian Karasiński
Sales Manager damian.karasinski@wutkowski.com.pl
Artur Biały
Sales Expert artur.bialy@wutkowski.com.pl
Krzysztof Szymczyk
Sales Expert krzysztof.szymczyk@wutkowski.com.pl
Dorota Gierszewska
Sales Expert dorota.gierszewska@wutkowski.com.pl
Ilona Stosik
Senior Supply and Key Customer Service Specialist ilona.stosik@wutkowski.com.pl
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Sales Expert szymon.dabrowski@wutkowski.com.pl
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Sales Specialist hanna.kozuch@wutkowski.com.pl
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Junior Sales Specialist weronika.walter@wutkowski.com.pl
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Customer Service Specialist mateusz.wrebel@wutkowski.com.pl