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About Us

RES: The beginning of our path towards climate neutrality

Solar radiation energy converted by photovoltaic modules is transformed into clean electricity. The installation of a photovoltaic system will optimise costs, increase our independence from energy suppliers and, above all, build a better future. By supporting the efforts aimed at achieving climate neutrality, we are saving the natural resources of our common home, the Earth. We have taken the first step in this direction, and we are not afraid of the next one.

RES in numbers

  • 1,2 MWp - total system capacity,
  • 1 200 MWh - annual generation,
  • 20% - annual energy demand,
  • 13 000 - equivalent of trees planted per year in CO2 reduction,
  • 5,5 mln km- the equivalent of the distance that can be driven by an electric car.


Write to us +48 453 056 525 Call
OZE - Wutkowski 001
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