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Innovative uses of glass in contemporary architecture

The Valued Advantages of Glass in Architecture

Glass in contemporary architecture is a true phenomenon. Transparent glass ensures light transmission and makes a space optically enlarged and full of light. Semi-transparent glass reduces the transmission of sunlight, while opaque glass, used for non-traditional solutions, allows no light and is ideal for areas where privacy is desired. Depending on the material used in the manufacturing process, we obtain glass with different parameters and varying degrees of strength. These range from classic glass protecting against injuries to more durable protective, burglar-proof and even hurricane- or ballistics-resistant variants. The durability and resistance of glass make it an ideal material for both outdoor and indoor applications.

Innovative Architectural Design using Glass

Glass is a material that allows engineers and architects to create true works of art. From famous buildings such as the Louvre Museum, where the glass pyramid in the courtyard is made of laminated glass, to facades combined with aluminium or steel, offering unique design and energy efficiency, up to stylish interior finishings and joinery elements.

Glass as an Element of Contemporary Art

Glass is not only present in the structures of buildings, but also in contemporary art. Artistic glass installations are not only beautiful but also inspiring, as they open up new possibilities for artistic and symbolic expression.

Modern Glass Technologies in Architecture

Glass used as a structural element is gaining in popularity and is increasingly being used even as a load-bearing component in structures. Manufactured using the latest technology, construction glass is resistant to temperature changes and moisture, retains its transparency over years of use, and can be used in areas where protection against hurricanes, bomb blasts or ballistics is needed. This technology is revolutionising the way we use and perceive glass.

Challenges associated with the Use of Glass in Architecture

Despite its many advantages, glass also presents challenges. Particularly at great heights, where the glass must be characterised by high mechanical resistance, relatively low energy transmission and high light transmission (among others). Keeping the glass clean is also a challenge. The intensive development of glass coating technologies and techniques has resulted in the increasing importance of construction glass, which has very good parameters for further processing. The functional coatings on glass perform various use-related functions, e.g. the coating with photocatalytic properties is effective in the removal of the organic soiling of the glass pane surface and the low-emission coating reduces the loss of heat.

Trends in the Use of Glass in Contemporary Architecture

Current architectural trends focus on minimalism and simplicity of forms. The use of glass not only improves the aesthetics, but also the comfort of buildings. Energy efficiency is also of great importance. This is due to the fact that lower building usage costs are another step in protecting the environment and taking care of our common home, the Earth.


Glass in contemporary architecture is a symbol of innovation and aesthetics. It ranges from functionality to fashionable and timeless design. It is a material that will continue to inspire and revolutionise the world of architecture.

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